About the Stockholm Convention


Scoring for

ECI Score543210Blank
Stockholm Conventions Indicators
  • Yes
  • In progress
  • in some sites
  • Being planned
  • No
  • No response
  • Not applicable


Convention QuestionsIndicator
1. Development of the National Implementation PlanTechnical
2. Transmission of the National Implementation Plan to the COPInformation
3. Review and update of NIPManagement
4. Existence of measures to prohibit the production and use of chemicals listed in Annex ARegulation
5. Existence of measures to regulate new pesticides or new industrial chemicalsRegulation
6. Inclusion of Annex D when conducting assessments of pesticides or industrial chemicals currently in useManagement
7. Development of an action plan to identify, characterize and address the release of chemicals in Annex CManagement
8. Participation in regional or sub-regional action planManagement
9. Development of an evaluation of the current and projected releases derived from anthropogenic sources of the chemicals listed in Annex C of the ConventionInformation
10. Inventory of PCDD/PCDFTechnical
11. Inventory of PCBTechnical
12. Inventory of pentachlorobenzeneTechnical
13. Inventory of hexachlorobenzeneTechnical
14. Development of an evaluation of the efficiency of the laws and policies to manage releases of unintentionally produced POPsManagement
15. Existence of requirements for use of Best Available Techniques (BAT) /and/or Best Environmental Practices (BEP) for new and existing sourcesTechnical
16. Development of strategies for identifying stockpiles consisting of or containing chemicals listed in either Annex A or Annex BManagement
17. Identification of stockpiles consisting of or containing chemicals listed in Annex A or Annex BTechnical
18. Quantification of stockpiles consisting of, or containing, chemicals listed in Annex A or BTechnical
19. Existence of measures to manage stockpiles in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound mannerRegulation
20. Development of strategies to identify products and articles in use and wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with chemicals listed in Annex A, B or CManagement
21. Existence of measures pursuant to paragraph (d) of Article 6Regulation
22. Disposal of wastes consisting or containing chemicals listed in Annex A or Annex BTechnical
23. Development of strategies for identifying sites contaminated by chemicals listed in the conventionManagement
24. Identification of contaminated sitesTechnical
25. Development of necessary steps to remediate POPs contaminated sitesTechnical
26. Production of any chemicals listed in Annex A and B of the ConventionTechnical
27. Exports of any of the chemicals listed in Annexes A and B of the ConventionTechnical
28. Imports of any of the chemicals listed in Annexes A and B of the ConventionTechnical
29. Submission of a report pursuant to paragraph 4 of Part II of Annex BInformation
30. Establishment of an information exchange mechanismInformation
31. Defintion of measures to implement Article 10 of the ConventionManagement
32. Defintion of measures to implement Article 11 of the ConventionManagement
33. Existence of measures to provide technical assistance to other Contracting Party to the ConventionManagement
34. Existence of measures to provide financial support and incentives to achieve the objectives of the ConventionFinancial
35. Provision of new and additional financial resources to support the financial mechanismFinancial
36. Provision of financial resources through other bilateral, regional and multilateral sources or channelsFinancial
37. Development of a strategy for identifying stockpiles consisting of or containing greater than 50 ppm PCBsManagement
38. Development of a strategy for identifying products and articles in use and wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with greater than 50 ppm PCBsManagement
39. Development of strategy for identifying products and articles contaminated with open application of PCBsManagement
40. Activities included in measures to manage PCBs or articles containing greater than 50 ppm PCBs Regulation
41. Managed in an environmentally sound mannerRegulation
42. Development of appropriate strategies for identifying sites contaminated by greater than 50 ppm PCBsManagement
43. Identification of sites contaminated by greated than 50 ppm of PCBsTechnical
44. Existence of measures to identify and label, where appropriate, all equipment in use containing greater than 50 ppm PCBsManagement
45. Existence of measures to identify and/or label, where appropriate, all wastes liable to contain greater than 50 ppm PCBsManagement
46. Existence of measures to identify articles and materials contaminated through open application of PCBsManagement
47. Storage of all wastes containing greater than 50 ppm PCBs that have been identified in leak-proof containersTechnical
48. Development of a specific plan for the management, phase-out and disposal of PCBs according to Article 7 of the ConventionManagement
49. Existence of measures, in accordance with Annex A, Part II subparagraph (b) of the Stockholm Convention, to promote the following measures to reduce exposures and risk to control the use of PCBsManagement
50. Inventory of PCB oil and contaminated equipmentTechnical
51. Destruction of PCB oil and equipment or articles containing greater than 50 ppm PCBs identified in the countryTechnical
52. Imports of any equipment or articles containing greater than 50 ppm PCBs for disposal as listed in Annex A under Article 3 paragraph 2 (a) (i) of the ConventionTechnical
53. Exports of any equipment or articles containing greater then 50 ppm for disposal as listed in Annex A of the ConventionTechnical