About the Ramsar Convention


Scoring for

ECI Score543210Blank
Ramsar Conventions Indicators
  • Yes
  • Partly in some cases
  • In progress
  • in some sites
  • Being planned
  • Not implemented
  • No information available
  • No response
  • Not applicable


Convention QuestionsIndicator
1. Incorporation of wetlands benefits into other strategies and planning processesManagement
2. Incorporation of wetlands benefits into other strategies and planning processesManagement
3. Incorporation of wetlands benefits into other strategies and planning processesManagement
4. Incorporation of wetlands benefits into other strategies and planning processesManagement
5. Incorporation of wetlands benefits into other strategies and planning processesManagement
6. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national forest programmesManagement
7. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies or measures on agricultureManagement
8. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans drawn up under the CBDManagement
9. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on energy and miningManagement
10. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on tourismManagement
11. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on urban developmentManagement
12. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on infrastructureManagement
13. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on industryManagement
14. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on aquaculture and fisheriesManagement
15. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the National Plans of Actions (NPAs) for pollution control and managementManagement
16. Incorporation of wetland issues / benefits in the national policies on wastewater management and water qualityManagement
17. Assessment of the water needs and availability for wetlands to support the implementation of Guidelines for the allocation and management of waterTechnical
18. Assessment of the environmental flow undertaken to mitigate the impacts on the ecological character of wetlandsTechnical
19. Improvement of the sustainability of water in Ramsar sitesTechnical
20. Development of projects to promote and demonstrate good practices in the water allocation and management for maintaining the ecological functions of wetlandsManagement
21. Functional status of the wastewater treatment plantsTechnical
22. Encouragement to the private sector to apply the wise use principle in activities and investments concerning wetlandsManagement
23. Existence of private sector activities or actions for the conservation, wise use and management of Ramsar sitesManagement
24. Existence of private sector activities or actions for the conservation, wise use and management of wetlands in generalManagement
25. Definition of actions to remove perverse incentive measures that discourage the conservation and wise use of wetlandsTechnical
26. Establishment of a strategy and priorities for further designation of Ramsar sites in application of the Strategic Framework for the Ramsar listManagement
27. Use of the Ramsar Information Service and its tools for the national identification of further Ramsar sites to designateManagement
28. Undertaking of assessment of Ramsar sites on the effectiveness of their managementManagement
29. Report to the Ramsar Secretariat of the cases of negative human-induced change or likely change in the ecological character of Ramsar sitesInformation
30. Maintenance of wetland inventory dataInformation
31. Accesibility of wetland inventory data for stakeholdersInformation
32. Existence of a National Wetland PolicyRegulation
33. Adjustment of legislation to reflect Ramsar commitmentsRegulation
34. Undertaking of research on agriculture-wetland interactionsInformation
35. Undertaking of research on climate change and wetlandsInformation
36. Undertaking of research on valuation of ecosystem services and wetlandsInformation
37. Compilation of case studies, projects and sucessful experiences on cultural aspects of wetlandsInformation
38. Use/application of guidelines to take into account cultural values of wetlands for the effective management of sites (stakeholders)Management
39. Use/application of guidelines to take into account cultural values of wetlands for the effective management of sites (indigenous)Management
40. Documentation of traditional knowledge and management practices relevant for the wise use of wetlandsInformation
41. Assessment of ecosystem benefits / services provided by Ramsar sites and other wetlandsTechnical
42. Development of wetlands use programmes or projects that contribute to poverty alleviation and water and food securityTechnical
43. Inclusion of the socio-economic value of wetlands in the management planning for Ramsar sites and other wetlandsManagement
44. Inclusion of the cultural value of wetlands in the management planning for Ramsar sites and other wetlandsManagement
45. Identification of priorities for wetland restorationTechnical
46. Development of wetlands restoration / rehabilitation programmesTechnical
47. Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment practices to the review of policies, programmes and plans that affect wetlandsManagement
48. Application of Environmental Impact Assessments for development projects in key sectors that may affect wetlandsTechnical
49. Development of a National Action Plan for Wetland CEPAManagement
50. Development of a sub-national Action Plan for Wetland CEPAManagement
51. Development of a local / site level Action Plan for Wetland CEPAManagement
52. Promotion of public participation in decision-making with respect to wetlandsManagement
53. Involvement of stakeholders in the selection of Ramsar sites and their managementManagement
54. Establishment of a National Ramsar / Wetlands CommitteeManagement
55. Definition of actions in relation to communication and information-sharing on wetland issues between other MEA national focal pointsInformation
56. Definition of actions in relation to communication and information-sharing on wetland issues between relevant ministries, departments and agenciesInformation
57. Development of World Wetlands Day activitiesManagement
58. Launch of national campaigns, programmes or projects to increase awareness on wetland issuesInformation
59. Payment of Ramsar duesFinancial
60. Existence of mechanisms at the national level for collaboration between the Ramsar Administrative Authority and the focal points of other MEAsManagement
61. Networks established for knowledge sharing and training for wetlands that share common featuresTechnical
62. Information about Ramsar sites and wetlands available publiclyTechnical
63. Identification of all transboundary / shared wetland systemsTechnical
64. Existence of effective cooperative management for shared wetland systemsManagement
65. Participation in regional networks or initiatives for wetland-dependent migratory speciesManagement
66. Existence of an assessment of national and local training needs in the implementation of the conventionManagement
67. Inclusion of wetlands conservation and wise-use in formal education programmesManagement
68. Country's participation in the development of regional initiatives in the framework of the conventionManagement
69. Support or participation in the development of regional wetland training centresManagement