1. Provision of information on CITES relevant legislation | Information |
2. Availability of legislation in the convention languages | Regulation |
3. Trade conditions included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
4. Taking species conditions included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
5. Possession conditions included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
6. Transport conditions included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
7. Trade complete prohibition included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
8. Taking species complete prohibition included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
9. Possession complete prohibition included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
10. Transport complete prohibition included by domestic measures adopted by countries for CITES-listed species | Regulation |
11. Review of legislation regarding access to or ownership of natural resources | Management |
12. Review of legislation regarding harvesting | Management |
13. Review of legislation regarding transporting of live specimens | Management |
14. Review of legislation regarding handling and housing of live specimens | Management |
15. Undertaking of operations to review reports and other information provided by traders and producers | Technical |
16. Undertaking of operations to inspect traders, producers and markets | Technical |
17. Undertaking of border controls | Technical |
18. Imposition of administrative measures for CITES-related violations | Regulation |
19. Provision to the Secretariat of detailed information on significant cases of illegal trade or information on convicted illegal traders and persistent offenders | Information |
20. Country's involvement in cooperative enforcement activities with other countries | Technical |
21. Existence of incentives to local communities to assist in the enforcement of CITES legislation | Technical |
22. Review or assessment of CITES-related enforcement | Management |
23. Designation and contact information for Management Authority | Management |
24. Management authority undertaking of research activities in relation to CITES species or technical issues | Information |
25. Designation and contact information of a Scientific Authority | Management |
26. Scientific authority undertaking of research activities in relation to CITES species | Information |
27. Designation of enforcement authorities | Management |
28. Establishment of a specialized unit responsible for CITES-related enforcement | Technical |
29. Computarization of country CITES information | Information |
30. Existence of an electronic information system providing information on CITES species | Information |
31. Availability through the internet of information system providing information on CITES species | Information |
32. Enforcement Authority report to Management Authority | Information |
33. The government should had availability of a website with CITES general information and its requisites | Information |
34. Report of changes in the structure / signatures of CITES permits / certificates | Information |
35. Development of written permit procedures for issuance / acceptance | Technical |
36. Development of written permit procedures for registration of traders | Technical |
37. Development of written permit procedures for registration of producers | Technical |
38. Existence of harvest and / or export quotas as a management tool in the procedure of issuance of permits | Technical |
39. Use of the revenues of CITES fees for wildlife conservation | Financial |
40. Undertaking of activities to enhance effectivess of CITES implementation at the national level | Management |
41. Provision of training, status and authority to officials who have wildlife-law enforcement responsibilities (Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP15) (a) (iii)) | Management |
42. To have National inter-agency Enforcement Coordination Networks | Management |
43. Participation in regional activities related to CITES | Management |
44. Provision of technical or financial assistance to other country | Management |
45. Provision for data to be included in the CITES identification Manual | Information |
46. Adoption of measures to achieve coordination and reduce duplication of activities between national authorities and other MEAs | Management |