About the Basel Convention


Scoring for

ECI Score543210Blank
Basel Conventions Indicators
  • Implemented
  • Exists
  • Used
  • In Preparation
  • Not implemented
  • Does not exist
  • Not used
  • No information available
  • No response
  • Not applicable


Convention QuestionsIndicator
1. Adoption of legislation to implement the Basel ConventionRegulation
2. Existence of a national definition of wasteRegulation
3. Existence of Article 1(1)b wasteTechnical
4. Existence of wastes requiring special considerationTechnical
5. Implementation of the amendment to Basel ConventionTechnical
6. Existence of export restrictions for final disposalTechnical
7. Existence of export restrictions for recoveryTechnical
8. Existence of import restrictions for final disposalTechnical
9. Existence of import restrictions for recoveryTechnical
10. Existence of transit restrictionsTechnical
11. Usage of BC notification and movement document formsManagement
12. Existence of additional requirements for waste transboundary movementTechnical
13. Existence of measures for Reduction and/or elimination of the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastesTechnical
14. Existence of measures for reduction of the amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes subject to the transboundary movementsTechnical
15. Existence of indicators on the effects of hazardous wastes on human health and the environmentInformation